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  • [Registrant] : 鎌ケ谷市役所
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]千葉県 鎌ケ谷市
  • Posted : 2025/01/29
  • Published : 2025/01/29
  • Changed :2025/01/29
  • Total View : 31 persons

Child Safety Information

Kamagaya Anshin Email-Children's Safety Information

January 28 ( Tuesday ), January 29 ( Wednesday ) At around 3:10 pm, near the Tobu Noda Line crossing near Nishi-Sazuma 2-chome Child Amusement Park, a child leaving school passed a man coming from the front. After passing a man coming from in front, the child was followed and when the child turned around, the man stopped.
The man was described as being in his 30s or 40s, wearing a beige jacket with a hood, black pants, sunglasses, and no hat or mask.
If you see or become a victim of such a suspicious person, please immediately call 110 or the Kamagaya Police Station ( 047-444-0110 ).
Inquiries about this matter Kamagaya Youth Center ( 047-445-4393 )

Kamagaya Youth Center

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